We are an independent church of bible-believing Christians in Sydney NSW, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in the City of Liverpool. Our final authority in all matters of faith and practice are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ as they are translated in the King James Bible (KJV) and not any denomination.
If you are looking for a church that bases everything they do and believe on the Word of God and are passionate about door-to-door soul-winning, then you have found a place you can call home and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We would love you to join us in the work of God and for all of the activities we have planned to get to know your spiritual family better.
Our church was originally planted on the 1st of March 2015 in Punchbowl, which is located in the City of Canterbury-Bankstown. We were previously known as The Church in Punchbowl. Since then, we have moved cities and are currently meeting in Moorebank, which is located in the City of Liverpool. Our name was changed to The Church in Liverpool on the 6th of January 2019.
Sunday Schedule
The below schedule is provided as a guide to give you an idea of what to expect as a first time visitor.
09:00 AM Action Song
09:05 AM Bible Story
09:15 AM Craft or Games
09:50 AM Set Up for Church
10:00 AM Sing 1st Hymn & Opening Prayer
10:05 AM Sing 2nd & 3rd Hymn
10:10 AM Announcements
10:15 AM Pray for Member Requests
10:25 AM Sing 4th Hymn
10:30 AM Bible Reading
10:35 AM Preaching
11:25 AM Sing 5th Hymn
12:00 PM LUNCH
12:00 PM Fellowship Over Lunch
01:30 PM Clean & Pack Up
02:30 PM Meet at the Building
02:45 PM Leave the Building
03:00 PM Start Soul-Winning
05:00 PM Finish Soul-Winning
Our Bishop
Victor Tey is the bishop who was used by God to plant this church.
“I was born in 1986 and grew up in Perth WA. In public school I was taught evolution and raised in the ways of atheism by my teachers. After my older brother, Jason Tey, was saved in 2001, we had countless discussions about Christianity in the small 2-bedroom apartment we shared. In 2005, I was finally convinced that the bible was the word of God and called upon the Lord.
From that time I began attending the Bible-Presbyterian Church of WA where I became actively involved in the youth group and church ministries. As I learned more about the bible and the errors of protestant reformed theology, I decided to leave the Bible-Presbyterian denomination and seek a church that aligned with my beliefs and convictions so I could serve the body of Christ whole-heartedly.
In November 2009 I travelled to Phoenix AZ, USA on a one year work/travel visa to serve at Faithful Word Baptist Church. Whilst I was there, I met and married my wife, Elizabeth. This unexpected turn of events lead us to Mexico in November 2010, where we lived for about one year, to apply for Elizabeth’s spouse visa for Australia.
In November 2011 we returned to Australia and settled in Sydney to serve at Lighthouse Baptist Church and prepare for the office of a bishop. On the 22nd of February 2015, I was ordained by Mark Tossell (the bishop of the church at the time) and sent out to plant a new church in the Sydney area. The first meeting was on Sunday, the 1st of March 2015.
Elizabeth and I have been happily married for 9 years (since the 7th of August 2010) and currently have 5 beautiful children.”
1. Simon Li Yang (8)
2. Timothy Li Bao (7)
3. Sarah Hui Ting (5)
4. Abel Li Ping (4)
5. Noah Hui Mei (1)
Meet the Members
Come and meet the family! We would love to see you at church and get to know you better. We are not a formal-dressed church, and do not have any specific rules in regards to dress standards, but would define the expected church attire as “modest casual”. We want to maintain a godly example and atmosphere for both genders of all ages.
Kids Bible Club
Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM is all about the kids. Kids Bible Club is our children’s ministry that is focussed on teaching our young ones the truths of God’s Word from cover to cover. Children learn the bible stories in a safe environment and participate in some fun games or a bible-based craft with their parents’ assistance.
Children in Church
We believe church should be the assembling of all God’s people, including the little children. Therefore we encourage you to have your family with you during church. Feel free to get up and move around if you need to feed, change, settle or discipline your children.
We understand young children are not completely silent and that’s fine, no one will get upset. If your child does play up during the preaching (ie. loud crying or screaming), it’s best to take your child out to settle or discipline them and then bring them back into the congregation when they have calmed down.
Congregational Singing
At our church, we prefer a cappella congregational singing and believe this emphasises the voices of the people and words of each song. We use powerpoint slides with musical notation and encourage you to sing the harmonies if you are able. If you need some help learning the hymns we sing at church, the YouTube playlist link below can help you familiarise yourself with them.
Sermons & Other Media
All our media is non-copyright and free to re-distribute. If our church has been a blessing to you, please consider supporting us financially. Below is a list of some of our favourite sermons.
Food & Fellowship
We have found that it is easier on everyone and also creates less wastage if the food is organised and bought centrally. Regular members contribute to the meal by helping to get the hall set up or packed down, or contributing financially what they would otherwise spend on food to cover the costs.
You can help us ensure we have enough food ordered by RSVPing on Team App. This is a web and mobile application we use so people can let us know if they are planning on staying for lunch in advance. We always order extra food just in case, so you are still welcome to join us for lunch even if you were not able to RSVP beforehand.
Door-to-Door Soul-Winning
One of our main goals is to knock on the door of every house in our local city to preach the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. The suburbs we are focusing on are those located in the City of Liverpool. Come and be part of a church that loves God, loves his Word and is passionate about winning the lost to Christ. We welcome you to join us and labour in this great work.
Events & Social Activities
Throughout the year we have regular church events and social activities for the church to have some fun together. It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other and build stronger bonds within the church.
Donations & Expenses
We accept donations to fund the work of God. Giving to our church is always voluntary and anonymous. We prefer not to practice a public collection to promote a spirit of “cheerful” and “purposeful” giving in our church (2 Corinthians 9:7). We strive to keep all donations as anonymous as possible so your heavenly reward is maximised (Matthew 6:1-4). See the link below for more information on how to financially support the work of our church.
New South Wales
- English
- Kids Clubs
- Public ministry
- Post-Trib
- Family Integrated
- Unaffiliated
- Church Plant
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5 Reviews on “The Church in Liverpool, Sydney NSW Australia”
KJV only, soul winning, salvation by grace through faith only, no lordship salvation, no repent of your sins to be saved, post trib, family integrated, traditional hymns, correct on the gospel!
Great church, great bishop, great congregation that loves the Lord.
True bible believing church.
Great fellowship and preaching.
Always learning something new.
Wow, what can I say? So thankful God led me here to TCIP. As a single mum I really value the fellowship, teaching and Godly philosophy behind a lot of what they do and how the church is run. Almost always the highlight of my daughter’s week! The kids are lovely, food is great and the ppl are really nice 🙂
Great Independent Fundamental Baptist Church that’s into active soul winning and baptising believers without being “fruit inspectors”. None of this “repent of sin to be saved” heresy that’s rampant in Australian KJV churches. So glad our family had fellowship which was truely a blessing.
A church that upholds the gospel of Jesus Christ which without fail, preaching weekly to the local community. The Bible is the final authority and close fellowship amongst the brethren is strongly encouraged. May the Lord continue to bless this church for many years to come.