The Church in Liverpool, Sydney NSW Australia


5 Reviews on “The Church in Liverpool, Sydney NSW Australia”

5 reviews
  • Nathan Martincich

    KJV only, soul winning, salvation by grace through faith only, no lordship salvation, no repent of your sins to be saved, post trib, family integrated, traditional hymns, correct on the gospel!
    Great church, great bishop, great congregation that loves the Lord.

  • Anastasia

    True bible believing church.
    Great fellowship and preaching.
    Always learning something new.

  • Phillipa

    Wow, what can I say? So thankful God led me here to TCIP. As a single mum I really value the fellowship, teaching and Godly philosophy behind a lot of what they do and how the church is run. Almost always the highlight of my daughter’s week! The kids are lovely, food is great and the ppl are really nice 🙂

  • P Willmore

    Great Independent Fundamental Baptist Church that’s into active soul winning and baptising believers without being “fruit inspectors”. None of this “repent of sin to be saved” heresy that’s rampant in Australian KJV churches. So glad our family had fellowship which was truely a blessing.

  • A church that upholds the gospel of Jesus Christ which without fail, preaching weekly to the local community. The Bible is the final authority and close fellowship amongst the brethren is strongly encouraged. May the Lord continue to bless this church for many years to come.

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