Mohave Baptist Church - Fort Mohave, AZ

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1 Reviews on “Mohave Baptist Church - Fort Mohave, AZ”

1 reviews
  • One-Time Visitor

    I had an interview in the area for a potential job, and I visited this church to see if it would be a good potential home church if I accepted the role. There was almost no information about this church online so I didn’t know if the church even still existed (as several others in the area closed), I wasn’t sure of its exact location, and I had no idea of service times.

    I made my best guess as to when the morning service would be and ended up getting there right shortly before starting time. The church ended up being a very nice surprise. It is a smaller but growing congregation who were exceptionally friendly and welcoming. The music was very good as was the preaching which was Biblically sound.

    I spoke to Pastor Don at some length after the service that afternoon, and he clearly stands on the Word of God regarding doctrine, and most importantly, on Biblical morality. This is the only church I found within a little more than an hour radius of the job that has a fully correct and complete Biblical stance on morality, without compromise.

    I did not end up taking the job, but I would still strongly recommend this church to anyone in the area who is looking for a good home church that has people who care and a Pastor that unashamedly stands on the truth from the Word of God. It would have been my church of choice had I moved to the area.

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