Victory Heights Baptist Church - Cleveland, MS

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2 Reviews on “Victory Heights Baptist Church - Cleveland, MS”

2 reviews
  • Tim Thompson

    I’m so sorry for your experience at this church and thank you for your stand. Unfortunately, most churches, even supposed fundamental Baptist churches are in a real mess these days. I hope you find a place where you can worship the Lord in truth and spirit and be valued as a member.

  • Ronald Robey

    Doug and Bonnie Turbervill left VHBC in 2013. The new pastor is Randy K. Duke.

    Review not favorable. The Kendall’s, (Keith the Song Leader and Adult Sunday School Teacher, Cedie the Treasurer and Pianist) who essentially run the Church, put on an air of religiosity when at the address. However, from Mrs. Kendall’s posts on her niece’s Facebook page, they shouldn’t be running any part of church business.

    On June 29th, 2013, Cedie wrote on her niece’s Facebiik page that she and Keith had gone to the movie theater and watched the movie “The Heat”. She said her and Keith had laughed throughout the movie. Instead of laughing, they should have been running for the exit. The movie drops the “F” bomb in it no less than 150 times in the 117 minutes it was shown. Clearly no movie a Baptist should be enjoying… especially not leaders of a Baptist Church.

    Yes, I know. That was inside the Sanctuary. But what about inside?

    Well, if something is spoken from the pulpit that is clearly in contradiction to what is written in the Word of God, they don’t like to be challenged on the teaching. They’ll vote you out of fellowship rather than submit to the truth as it is written in the Word of God. I know. It happened to me after being a member for seven years. I challenged them on the doctrine. Instead of allowing Scripture to speak, they called a secret meeting and voted me out of membership.

    I say secret, because although I had been a member for seven years, they never told me about the meeting so I could attend and at least defend my position using the Word of God as my defense.

    VHBC may call themselves IFB, but their actions reveal that they are so in name only.

    The pastor, Randy K. Duke has no problem sharing questionable pictures on his FB page. Pictures with curse words on them. When I said something about the pictures, instead of taking down the pictures he blocked me. I was informed later that the pictures were still there for his FB friends to see.

    Long story short, might be good to shy away from VHBC and write ICHABOD above its doors.

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