Our church is a King James Bible believing church that is independent baptist in doctrine, discipline, and government. We believe the best method of teaching and studying the Holy Scriptures is verse by verse comparing Scripture with Scripture (Isaiah 28:11-13; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15). This method gives the true sense of the Word of God and we practice this when coming together.
- We believe the King James Bible is the inspired preserved Word of God for the English speaking people. We reject all new versions as corrupt (2 Corinthians 2:17).
- We believe in the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity as taught in 1 John 5:7. We further believe that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16) and was virgin born (Isaiah 7:14).
- We believe that a man can only be saved by trusting Jesus Christ and His blood atonement alone. Once saved the believer is eternally secure in Christ and can never be lost. After being saved we encourage the new believer to be baptized and join a local bible believing church that teaches and preaches the Holy Scriptures (Acts 2:41-47).
- We believe in practicing communion regularly as taught by the Scriptures (Acts 20:7) and only saved Bible believing believers in fellowship with the Lord are allowed to participate (1 Corinthians 11:17-34).
- We believe in the Biblical practice of separation and as such we reject ecumenism, the Charismatic Movement, Romanism, and any other form of worldliness that is contrary to the Scriptures (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).
- We believe Christ is soon to return and rapture all Born Again believers up to Heaven to face the Judgement Seat of Christ. At this time there will be tribulation period on earth call the Great Tribulation Period, or the time of Jacob’s trouble. At the end of this period the Lord will return at the Second Advent and the Millennial reign will begin. This will last 1000 years. After this the Great White throne Judgement will be set up and finally eternity will begin after that.
Claimed?: Yes
Pastor’s Name: Marc Anderson
Phone: 919-750-7988
Address: 701 St John Church Rd
North Carolina
United States
North Carolina
United States
Mailing Address: PO Box 297, Mt Olive, NC 28365
KJV Position: KJV inspired
Bibles Used:
Worship Style: Traditional
Service Language(s):
- English
Church Ministries:
- Bookstore
- Correspondence
- Discipleship
- Internet Radio
- Jail
- Prison
- Public ministry
- Scripture Signs
- Tent
- Tracts
Doctrinal Positions:
- Gipp
- Ruckman
- Dispensational
- Anabaptist
- Non-501c3
- Unaffiliated
Church Details:
- Church Plant
- House church
Service Times: Sunday Morning 11, Sunday Evening 6, Wednesday 7
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