Burnt Cabins Bible Church is an independent Bible church in Burnt Cabins, Pennsylvania. The church is currently seeking a pastor.
Burnt Cabins Bible Church believes the King James Version Bible and offers traditional worship services in English. Please contact the church for more information.
Burnt Cabins Bible Church in Burnt Cabins, Pennsylvania is prayerfully seeking their next pastor. The church is independent, uses the KJV exclusively for all teaching and preaching, worships with traditional hymns, is debt-free, and averages 20-25 in attendance (mostly older congregation). This will be a bi-vocational position. Burnt Cabins is a small, rural community located in south-central PA. The total county population is around 14,500. Pastor Titus Palmer is assisting the church through this time of transition. Interested candidates, please contact Pastor Palmer via the contact form.
Information thanks to Bro. Mike Gross and Open Door Ministries.
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