New Beginning Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Waterloo, South Carolina. This church believes the King James Version. They are currently seeking a pastor. We are located near Lake Greenwood off Riverfork Road. Waterloo is a small western South Carolina community of 100 souls, in a county of 67,500 souls. 50 miles southeast of Greenville SC.
NBBC is prayerfully seeking a Bi-Vocational Pastor to lead our small church. We are seeking a man of God, dedicated to serving God, to lead us in Sunday morning and Wednesday night services. Visit our shut-ins and reach out to others in our community. Preferably someone within a 50 mile radius or someone with connections in the community. We are located near Lake Greenwood off Riverfork Road. Waterloo is a small western South Carolina community of 100 souls, in a county of 67,500 souls. 50 miles southeast of Greenville SC. Please submit information via the contact form, or mail to: PO Box 32, Waterloo, SC 29384
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