Longvue Baptist Church was founded sometime in the late 1940’s. We were origanally the Westland First Baptist Church and have enjoyed several God-honoring Pastorships over the years. We feel a great since of duty to the world in which we live. We at Longvue strive to, as a church, reach not only our Jerusalem (Ft. Worth, TX.), but also the world. Our desire is to show and share the love of the Savior through many different avenues. All of which are designed to give praise to God and to be productive in the furthering of our Savior’s Kingdom. We are often defined as an old fashioned Church in our manner of worship and ministry for which I am not ashamed. Our goal is not to be old-fashioned nor is it to be contemporary in style – we simply are trying to serve our great Lord.
Longvue Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Fort Worth, Texas. The pastor is Brian Fisher.
Longvue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas believes the King James Version of the Bible and offers traditional worship services in English. They have a service on Wednesday Evening. They offer the following ministries: Nursing Home, Bus.
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