
  • Don’t Lose Your Church Website!

    Don’t Lose Your Church Website! It is very important that you not lose your church website.  Did you know that when a church lets their domain registration lapse, that it…

  • Church Websites: Design Tips and Best Practices

    Church websites are notoriously behind the times in terms of web design and appearance, but yours doesn’t have to be. Here are some good design tips for church websites, to…

  • Top 5 Benefits of a Vibrant Church Website

    Narrow is the way, and few there be that find it. Hopefully, this is a description of the true path to God and not how difficult it is for visitors…

  • Updating Your Listing!

    As of this post, KJV Churches has almost 150 registered users, which is fantastic for how short of a time this project has been online. In fact, we had no…

  • Content is Key

    We’ve previously written on the subject of Search Engine Optimization, specifically how it applies to listings on KJV Churches. This time, however, I would like to approach some more generalized…

  • Under Construction? Just, Don’t.

    If I had a dollar for every church website that had a big, bold banner saying “This Site Is Under Construction,” I could fund a private server for a year!…

  • Design: Contemporary or Classic?

    Due to the ever-developing nature of the internet, styles and designs change rapidly. Just like clothing fashions, website themes and functionality switch and evolve at a dizzying pace. For a…

  • Social Media: Why your Church needs it

    My pastor did something interesting a while back. He created an “experiment” using Facebook where he asked his friends to mail one dollar to help an individual in need. Dozens of…