Don’t Lose Your Church Website!
Don’t Lose Your Church Website! It is very important that you not lose your church website. Did you know that when a church lets their domain registration lapse, that it…
by KJV ChurchesDec 28 No commentsYour Statement of Faith: Revisited
We’ve previously mentioned the importance of being firm and unique in your Statement of Faith on your church’s website, and now more than ever, it’s necessary to set forth your…
by KJV ChurchesSep 25 No commentsTop 5 Benefits of a Vibrant Church Website
Narrow is the way, and few there be that find it. Hopefully, this is a description of the true path to God and not how difficult it is for visitors…
by KJV ChurchesDec 12 No commentsAre We Clear? Your Statement of Faith
One of the most obvious but frequent omissions from a church’s website is their stance on the King James Bible. After all, our name is “KJV Churches,” and our focus…
by KJV ChurchesJul 27 5 commentsContent is Key
We’ve previously written on the subject of Search Engine Optimization, specifically how it applies to listings on KJV Churches. This time, however, I would like to approach some more generalized…
by KJV ChurchesFeb 6 No commentsChoosing a Domain Name
When a church prepares to build a website, along with all of the other tips that I have covered, a major concern is what “domain” to choose. For the technologically-backward,…
by KJV ChurchesJan 9 1 commentUnder Construction? Just, Don’t.
If I had a dollar for every church website that had a big, bold banner saying “This Site Is Under Construction,” I could fund a private server for a year!…
by KJV ChurchesJan 2 No commentsDesign: Contemporary or Classic?
Due to the ever-developing nature of the internet, styles and designs change rapidly. Just like clothing fashions, website themes and functionality switch and evolve at a dizzying pace. For a…
by KJV ChurchesDec 26 No commentsUpdates: Keeping it Fresh
Many times, church websites are frustratingly out of date and the information is stale and irrelevant. I’ve seen church sites that still have event calendars from 2009 and earlier, and…
by KJV ChurchesDec 12 No commentsYour website: Content over Cool
With the amazing variety of website options available on the internet, there is inevitably the desire to have a “really nice-looking website.” And that’s great. An unattractive website is sure…
by KJV ChurchesDec 5 3 comments