You’ve probably noticed the ads on our site. No one likes ads, and we’re working on streamlining the user experience so the ads aren’t such a bother, but we figured it might be a good time to mention why we have ads.
KJV Churches is run by a full time, church planting missionary on the field in South America. Some of you may know who I am, and that’s ok. I don’t overtly advertise who I am, but I’m not exactly trying to be anonymous.
The ads, then, help keep our family on the field. In fact, if it wasn’t for the ad revenue over the last few years, we wouldn’t have been able to stay on the field. Despite almost three years of deputation, we never made it to “full” support, and our 2019-2020 furlough was cut short thanks to a certain preview of global tyranny in the name of health.
The future of ads on KJV Churches
I am not a great marketer or designer, so it’s been a rough process to fix the ugly and ad-overrun site, but our goal is to sell advertising directly to churches, ministries, and Christian businesses that have products and services relevant to our visitors’ interests. Please bear with us as we try to get off of Google ads and move to more relevant advertising.
If you have a product or service that you think would be good for Christians searching for churches, please reach out to us. The sooner we can switch to only Christian advertising, the better we’ll all be.
Thank you
Thank you for using KJV Churches. We know that the ads aren’t great, but browsing our site and maybe clicking on the occasional relevant ad helps this missionary family stay on the field and pay the bills. There are other copycat sites out there that intend to steal our place as the #1 site for independent Baptist and KJV church information, but your continued preference in using our site makes all our hard work worth it.
Also, if you or your church are interested in meeting the crazy guy behind this website, feel free to reach out and we can discuss a meeting next time we’re on furlough. I don’t generally leverage my position as the KJV Churches guy to get support, but if someone is interested, I’m always open to discuss it.
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