City Life Church - Brooklyn, NY

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1 Reviews on “City Life Church - Brooklyn, NY”

1 reviews
  • George Feliu

    International Baptist Church was once a great Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. They were strong in the Word (with services and great preaching on Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, and Wednesday Night; and according to their website they only have Sunday morning at 10:30 am), Separated, Soulwinning with people getting saved and baptized on a weekly basis, not to mention good Godly music ( more like contemporary today). FYI, they have no problem mentioning other translation to help you better understand the KJV. This place isn’t even a shadow of what it was. Just look at the picture, there name is City Life Church, something I believe they’ll completely transition to (if not already) once their new building is finished being built.. Knowing the history and the founding Pastor, my heart breaks for losing such a light in that dark city.

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