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Blogs, News, and Updates
Review: “Sheltered but Not Protected: Learning to Love, Forgive, and Heal After Emotional and Sexual Abuse” by Justin Woodbury
Sheltered but Not Protected is the story of a young man that was raised in an independent Baptist church (probably listed in our database) and who did all the right
Don’t Lose Your Church Website!
Don’t Lose Your Church Website! It is very important that you not lose your church website. Did you know that when a church lets their domain registration lapse, that it
Does the King James Bible say Jehovah?
Often people ask does the King James Bible say Jehovah. More and more lately, thanks to the rise and popularity of internet “ministries,” people ask questions about the name of
Why do Mormons use the KJV?
If one was to go by the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they would be under the impression that they believed the Bible. This might
“Recovering” Part 7 – Where do we go from Here?
It’s been a long journey, and not at all enjoyable. We’ve talked about the generational gap (part 1), the cyclical nature of church history (part 2), the King James Bible
“Recovering” Part 6 – Who is on the Lord’s Side?
[Edited 6/30/2022 due to updates in legal situation and to add a link] So far we’ve discussed the generational gap between many of today’s leaders and those affected most by
“Recovering” Part 5 – More of the Same
Read part 1: Meet the Millennials Read part 2: The Endless Cycle Read part 3: The Price of a Book Read part 4: Whose Fault is it The old saying
“Recovering” Part 4 – Whose Fault Is It?
In our first post we talked about why an entire generation of young people (or at least a representative majority) just isn’t interested in playing ball with the status quo.
“Recovering” Part 3 – The Price of a Book
It likely seems unfair to the dedicated reader that this author would promise a series of posts dealing with the “Recovering Fundamentalists”, yet after two long articles (read Part 1