This is just a formality to let you know what we will be doing with the content submitted to this site.

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By creating an account, you will be signing up for our periodic emails, which you can unsubscribe from at any time, but we hope that you’ll find our newsletters interesting and helpful!

When you create an account, we can view your username, email address, and other information like that, but NOT your password. Passwords are hashed and salted (nerd terminology) and stored encrypted in the database, so we cannot retrieve your password. You’ll have to request a new one if you lose it.

If you upload a picture to the site, we will store it on our server and in our database for use throughout the site. We don’t believe in “Intellectual Property,” so we don’t claim ownership of anything other than the effort that has gone into the site, but we won’t sell your pictures or use them for any purpose other than those which directly relate to KJV Churches.

If you use a social media account (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to register with KJV Churches, we will access only your most basic information, including profile photo, email address, and a link to your profile, in order to create an account on our website so that you can access our features. If for some reason you want your account and information deleted, use this form to contact us and we will remove your account and all associated data.

12 Responses

  1. I’m trying to register on the website to update the information about our church. It’s been over 25 minutes since I requested to reset my password but no email has been received.

    1. Hi Rock, we had a few undeliverable login requests apparently due to a bad email address. Please check your credentials and try again.

      1. Nothing changes. The system acknowledges that my email address is in use but I don’t receive any emails to reset my password. I’m locked out.

        1. The problem is that the email address you used keeps bouncing back as undeliverable due to an error either with the spelling or an issue with the mailbox. The only way to fix it is to use a different email address that can be delivered.

        2. Hi Rock, the email address you used is no good. It shows up as but that email account doesn’t exist. You’ll need to create a new account with a working email address in order to login to the site.

  2. Hello,
    Our church is listed by someone else besides us. I’m the Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist in Morristown tn. Ive been the pastor for 25 years and no one at church knows who opened this account. . I would like to know what to do to get this changed so we can be in control of our own information. Thanks

    1. Hi Bro. Jones, your church was listed along with several hundred others when we added Tennessee listings. Feel free to click the “Claim” button on the listing to register and claim the listing, and you’ll be able to edit it at any time.

  3. I’ve tried to register for our KJV church on THREE different browsers: Pale Moon, Brave, and MS Edge. Each time I receive the error message: reCaptcha verification failed.

    How can I register if I can’t get past that??? It’s happened multiple times on different days.

    Thank you.

    1. We apologize for the inconvenience; our ReCaptcha integration is sometimes fluky. I’ve disabled it for now; hopefully you can register and we can figure out what’s going on.

  4. I am signing up because I can’t find any other link to give you feedback for this great website and resource! I found an error, and your website says to contact you when one is found, but there is no way to contact you!

    1. If the error is on a listing, there is an “Update” tab on each listing to submit a correction. Thank you for using KJV Churches!

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