East Side Baptist Church - Thomasville, GA

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1 Reviews on “East Side Baptist Church - Thomasville, GA”

1 reviews
  • Bill Warren

    East Side is a wonderful fellowship of believers with a wonderful spirit. Word is delivered in both preaching and music.

    1. Jeff Kaufman

      Dear church,
      I am seeking to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have yielded myself to serve Him faithfully for over 36 years, starting at Berean Baptist Church in WPB,FL, an now at Beacon Baptist Church in Jupiter, FL. ,since December 1989. I am a layman, but taught 5th and 6th grade for 30+ years. I have not been called to pastor a Church, but have surrendered to His will. I have never sent a letter to any church before, but The Spirit Of God is leading me to keep coming back to this page. May the Lord bless your church family in the days and week ahead, and l will pray that God will send a clean vessel to lead your local called out assembly of believers.
      Love Jeff and Marcella Kaufman

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