The ministry of Faith Baptist is aimed first of all at glorifying God, above all else, in our preaching ministry, prayer ministry and our worship. Secondly, our goal is to equip believers for spiritual growth through the verse by verse preaching of God’s Word. We believe that by doing this we are also enabling them to be effective witnesses for Christ in the Longview community. We are a church with a great passion for the truth of God’s Word and a passion for others to know that truth. The greatest need of man in this day is to know the God of the Bible, to know the truth concerning who He is and to know that God is not failing in this world but is accomplishing His eternal purposes. We would love for you to come and visit our church and hear this truth expressed in the ministry of God’s Word at Faith.
Faith Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Longview, Texas. The pastor is David Webber.
Faith Baptist Church in Longview, Texas does not use the King James Bible and offers traditional worship services in English. This church is Calvinist in doctrine.
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