Calvary is a Fundamental Independent King James Bible believing Old Fashioned Baptist Church. We are a Christ centered family oriented and we still sing the hymns and we still believe God changes lives saves sinners and works miracles! If you’re looking for a church that isn’t trying to be a civic center or country club you’ve found it! Come see what a Church with the Hand of God on it is like! Come see what a loving church could encourage you to be. Come see how God works in a church that still stands on HIS Bible! The Bible your grandparents believed, the Bible your forefathers died for! Come see why so many people have fallen in love with Calvary at Calvary Baptist Church!
Calvary Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church in Palestine, Texas. The pastor is Andrew Stoddard.
Calvary Baptist Church in Palestine, Texas believes the King James Version of the Bible and offers traditional worship services in English. They have a service on Wednesday Evening. They offer the following ministries: Prophets chamber. This church is Dispensational in doctrine.
Need: Youth Ministry Pastor and wife
Calvary Baptist Church, 703 Gillespie Rd, (903) 729-5924
Contact: Pastor Malcolm Harrison
Our KJV church in an East Texas city of 18,700 souls is searching for a young married man for the youth ministry leader position for the youth at our church. The qualification requirements are high, (in fact only God called men meet them) the work is hard, challenging and the hours long, the rewards are unbeatable and eternal. We are looking for someone who knows more about the Bible than sports and whose walk with God is above reproach. In other words I am searching for a man who meets the qualifications of a pastor. Town is equidistant from Dallas, Houston and Shreveport Louisiana.
Full-time pay, parsonage included.
Because of the inherent risks, temptations and liabilities involved, we require a married man whose wife is in agreement and compliance with the applicable standards. Those who feel prayerfully led may contact the pastor to begin the careful and prayerful process of discussions regarding our expectations and requirements. Those who are not teachable and humble in spirit need not apply. If you have an earring / pony tail don’t bother. If your wife wears a bikini to the beach don’t bother. If you’re not really King James Bible only – at all times personal & public don’t bother.
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